The Lord's Prayer
Reading Level: 0-4
Board Book: 24 pages
Publisher: The Christian Science Publishing Society (2007)
ISBN-10: 0875104193
ISBN-13: 978-0875104195

The Lord’s Prayer (Board Book)

Illustrated by Kristin Joy Pratt-Serafini

The Bible has inspired people of all ages for thousands of years. By studying it, people have become better citizens, learned a deeper love for one another, and found health and peace.

In these pages, vibrant illustrations depict Jesus teaching his disciples how to pray. Commonly known as the Lord’s Prayer, this prayer is a powerful affirmation of God’s all-power and presence. This prayer leads everyone–children and adults alike–to a clearer understanding of their true relationship with God.

Kristin Joy Pratt-Serafini is inspired by the Lord’s Prayer in her work as an illustrator and author of children’s books. Just like Jesus’ disciples, you too can use this prayer every day!

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Availability: In Stock. (7 copies currently available.)
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